Cabling Overview Layout

Sony PVM 14M4E
Consumer TV

Modified Retropie Files

ImportanceFileQuick Infuse
cd /boot
sudo wget -O config.txt -P /boot
cd /home/pi 
sudo wget -O .bashrc -P /home/pi

hdmi_timings (WIP)

  • a lot of testing is needed to expand the table below. Usefull ressources on the internet are still very rare
  • change resolution on the fly via vcgencmd without reboot
    • Example for CPS II System
    • vcgencmd hdmi_timings 384 1 0 11 28 224 1 30 0 30 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
h_active_pixelsh_sync_polarityh_front_porchh_sync_pulseh_back_porchv_active_linesv_sync_polarityv_front_porchv_sync_pulsev_back_porchv_sync_offset_av_sync_offset_bpixel repframe_rateinterlerlacedpixel freqaspect_ratioComment
2401544854160150106000060064000001#GBA #240:160 (Prototyp) - Rand ist unten
256161718192126222900060048000001#Sega Master System (NTSC) # 256:192
25618172122417102400060048000001#NES, SNES (NTSC) #256:224
25618172122910300120060048000001#PC Engine (zuckelt oben)
26018 17212301724000060048000001260x230x60Hz
3201202935224110141600060064000001#SEGA Genesis (NTSC) 320:224
320114462825611732900050064000001#Amiga 320:256 Amiga (PAL)
336110303425211534200050064000001#336:252 6.4MHz progressive
38410112822413003000060064000001#CapcomPlaySystem 1 #384:224
5121164864320155000060096000001#512x320x60Hz - flickering stressfull for eyes
hdmi_timings 450 1 50 30 85 288 1 10 1 25 0 0 0 60 0 9600000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 152 247 280 224 1 13 8 19 0 0 0 59.186 0 40610000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 158 250 286 232 1 4 3 23 0 0 0 59.94 0 41060000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 152 247 280 240 1 1 7 14 0 0 0 60 0 40860000 1
hdmi_timings 1920 1 132 247 280 288 1 3 3 18 0 0 0 50 0 40240000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 48 192 240 240 1 3 3 16 0 0 0 59.92 0 37680000 1
hdmi_timings 1920 1 48 192 240 288 1 6 3 16 0 0 0 49.70 0 37340000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 158 200 286 240 1 1 8 13 0 0 0 60.10 0 40380000 1
hdmi_timings 1920 1 158 200 314 240 1 23 6 43 0 0 0 50.01 0 40450000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 160 200 286 224 1 9 8 21 0 0 0 60.10 0 40410000 1
hdmi_timings 1920 1 158 200 314 239 1 25 6 42 0 0 0 50.01 0 40450000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 180 192 334 262 1 14 15 22 0 0 0 50 0 41200000 1

224p x 60Hz
hdmi_timings 1920 1 152 247 280 224 1 8 7 23 0 0 0 60 0 40860000 1

240p x 60Hz
hdmi_timings 1920 1 152 247 280 240 1 3 7 12 0 0 0 60 0 40860000 1

216 x 60Hz
hdmi_timings 1920 1 152 247 280 224 1 8 7 23 0 0 0 60 0 40860000 1

192 x 60Hz
hdmi_timings 1920 1 152 247 280 224 1 8 7 23 0 0 0 60 0 40860000 1

256p x 55Hz
hdmi_timings 1920 1 100 320 260 288 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 55 0 41900000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 100 320 260 254 1 1 3 36 0 0 0 53.20 0 40670000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 50 250 250 250 1 8 10 8 0 0 0 58.97 0 38750000 1

hdmi_timings 1920 1 50 250 250 260 1 4 5 8 0 0 0 55.72 0 38130000 1

Related Videos


  • Will it work with the official “gert666 VGA adapter”, too?
    • yes
  • For what distro does it work currently
    • retropie → OK
    • recalbox → output only blue image
    • rgb-pi → color mismatch
  • Why do you use the “VGA Shield / Hat Board” and not the “gert666 VGA adapter”
    • Technically it´s the same. I ordered the gert666 from china but unfortunately it never arrived. So i had to search for a good alternative. The PCB quality is really good.
  • Why should i not use a HDMI to VGA Adapter?
    • The video signal must be converted from digital to analog. Inside of the adapter is a small chip, who is responsible for this process. This procedure needs time. For normal desktop usage, you wouldn´t notice it at all. Regarding for games, it leads to a common, but unwanted issue called “input lag” or “input delay”
  • Are there known problems i should know?
    • Only Progessive Video works with hdmi_timings. Interlaced modes (for higher resolutions) seem not work however. I tried many different settings but i were not able to get a stable image.
    • Ingame Resolutions and the currently used resolution for retropie may not the same. The image seems “blocky” or “cuted off”. The effect is most visible on text and scrolling.
  • Does this work on recalbox?
    • I´ve tried it with recalbox 4.0 with the same settings but red and green is missing. The default Kernel image for recalbox seems customized. I haven´t done a deeper drilldown to this topic.
    • blank
  • VGA uses PIN 13 for H-Sync and PIN 14 for V-Sync. How did you combine those two in order to get the C-Sync Signal (= H+V) for your PVM Monitor?
    • With the BNC-Y-Adapter. Thats all :)
  • The hdmi_timings dont work. All i got is a fuzzy, moving image like this one blank
    • Reason #1 - According to my experience so far, each tube needs its own settings. You will not come arround finding the right timing for your TV.
    • Reason #2 - (unsure/guessing) Your CRT accepts only negative sync. I have no experience and knowledge with this issue, sorry.
  • The screen image seems too big.
    • If you have a newer CRT, check for scaling settings.
    • blank blank
  • The top area seems bent / My TV detects the channel as new input all the time / The image disapears and shows again randomly blank
    • Your´re near to get a perfect hdmi_timing. Slightly change the h_front_porch,h_sync_pulse and h_back_porch settings.
  • Do you know a tool i can use to get a approximately point of origin for the timings i want?
    • Yes - I use the Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)
  • A new distro fork from recalbox “RGB-PI” has been launched. How will it perform with the hat board and/or UMSA?
    • Tested with RGB-Pi 4.0 Beta 3 blank blank blank

Hardware List

Core Components

blankRaspberry Pi 3 Model B
blank64 GB MircoSD Card
blankVullers Tech®. VGA Shield V2.0 for Raspberry Pi 2B, B+
GPIO to VGA Interface Expansion Board
blankGPIO Extender Cable (optional)
blankAudio Splitter, 3.5mm Stereo Male To 2 RCA Female
blankTwo/2 RCA Cable male to male audio stereo cable
blankVGA Cable Male to Male

For Sony PVM

blank RCA Phono Adapter / 1 RCA to 2 RCA Adapter
blank5 BNC to VGA Breakout Cable
blankBNC-Y-Adapter / BNC-male to 2 BNC-female(Y)
blankVGA Gender Changer Female to Female / D-Sub Gender Changer


blankUMSA - Ultimate Scart Adapter
blankFull 21 PIN SCART Male to SCART Male


Erik FARAVEL asked me to test it with 306/1/21/30/50/224/1/12/3/23 for SNES - These is the result on my PVM
Again from Erik FARAVEL for SNES → vcgencmd hdmi_timings 306 1 21 30 50 224 1 12 3 23 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1

raspberry_pi_arcade.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/27 15:17 by petersommer
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