
tags: ocr
Originally Published: 2015-02-05

David Bamman’s recent release of 11K Latin Texts got me thinking about how to tackle the problem of the remaining 10,248 “likely-Latin” texts that need better metadata.

Luckily Bamman also points to the excellent langid.py, which seems to work surprisingly well in my testing. My initial idea was to re-run Tesseract OCR processing, with a number of languages specified, including my preliminary Latin training data and Nick White’s training data for Ancient Greek, and running langid on that to prioritize majority-Latin texts. I tried this with a small hand-picked subset:

This already reveals some complications with the data. Is the second one Dutch, or do we want to count it as Latin?

Also, it was about this point I realized: there’s already some black-box OCR of wildly-varying quality we can use to triage the data, so that we don’t need to re-OCR all 10K books. I fetched all the existing OCR text rather inelegantly:

for i in $(awk '{print $1}' < latin_to_annotate.txt); do echo $i; wget "https://archive.org/download/$i/${i}_djvu.txt"; done

This resulted in ~8.6GB of uncompressed text in 9,936 djvu.txt files (leaving 312 we’ll definitely need to do some further processing on in order to classify).

I then ran langid across this set with:

find . -name '*_djvu.txt' | langid -b > djvus-language-confidence.txt

We can now use cut -d, -f2 < djvus-language-confidence.txt | grep -v la | wc -l to discover there are 2,197 texts which got classified as not-majority-Latin (leaving 7,739 texts trivially—but perhaps erroneously—classified as majority-Latin).1

Let’s try re-running langid, restricted to just Latin in order to gage the “Latin-ness” of each file:

find . -name '*_djvu.txt' | langid -b -l la > djvus-latin-confidence.txt

We can also sort these results by “Latin-ness” with:

awk -F, '{print $3 "," $2 "," $1}' < djvus-latin-confidence.txt | sort -g > djvus-latin-confidence-sorted.txt

Let’s sort both score files (unrestricted & Latin-restricted) by input filename so we can merge them together and compare them, to see if there’s an obvious metric we can apply:2

paste -d, <(sort < djvus-language-confidence.txt) <(sort < djvus-latin-confidence.txt) > djvus-combined-confidence.txt

Now we can use this merged file to get results sorted by “Latin-ness” with their original unrestricted language classification and score:

awk -F, '{print $6 "," $2 "," $3 "," $1}' < djvus-combined-confidence.txt | sort -g > djvus-combined-confidence-sorted.txt

Looking at this file, it’s clear we’re in some murky territory. Let’s go back and see what we get when we apply these processes to the already-classified 11,261 texts. Luckily, there’s already a 3.9GB archive of the plain text kindly provided for us, so we can skip the long wget process.

After repeating langid processing against these,3 we can discover that there are 1,561 not-majority-Latin files vs. 9,700 majority-Latin, not wildly far off from the ratio we have.

Instead of trying to automatically decide what is or is not “Latin” (I think ultimately a human has to decide that, depending on the goals or intended uses of the final data/corpus), what I’d like to do is come up with a way to use this data to prioritize entries that need metadata by “Latin-ness” (i.e. which texts will give us the most Latin for our investment?).

We could simply sort by the existing “Latin-ness” measure straight out of langid, but looking at these (with the additional help of a “control” set obtained by also applying our processing to the predominantly-English Internet Archive “Great Books” collection) it’s clear that the langid confidence score is heavily influenced by input length. Now, langid has an option to normalize scores to probabilities, but in my testing this normalized probability is not very meaningful when you restrict to just one language.

What we want, then, is to take into account both confidence scores and the length of the work. The measure I came up with for this is simply the difference of the scores divided by the number of lines:

find . -name '*_djvu.txt' -exec wc -l {} \; | awk '{print $1 "," $2}' | sort -n > djvus-lines.txt
paste -d, <(sort < djvus-language-confidence.txt) <(sort < djvus-latin-confidence.txt) <(awk -F, '{print $2 "," $1}' < djvus-lines.txt | sort) > djvus-combined-confidence-lines.txt
awk -F, '{diff = sprintf("%.3f",($1 - $3) / $5); print diff "," $5 "," $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 }' < djvus-combined-confidence-lines.txt | sort -gr -t, -k1,1 -k2,2  > djvus-combined-confidence-diff-sorted.txt

This gives us the list sorted by our normalized difference then sorted by the length; so Latin-classified works will appear at the top (as the difference is zero), sorted by length, followed by the rest.

Now we just need to merge these results back with our original. This wound up being pretty tortuous to do with the command line, so if you’re interested you can see the Makefile rules I came up with for it here instead. At the end of all this is a nice prioritized list of the identifiers.

More importantly, we have a repeatable, stable process for generating this classification and prioritization. So now, after I go back and apply OCR processing to the remaining identifiers for which there was no existing OCR text, I can easily sort them back into the right place in the list.

Bonus Round

A by-product of trying to figure out a good measure for classifying and prioritizing these works was plotting the langid Latin confidence score line-by-line:

This was achieved with the hideous one-liner:

i="djvus/carminaliberepod00horauoft_djvu.txt"; (echo "line,score"; paste <(seq 1 $(wc -l < $i)) <(langid -l la --line < $i)|awk '{print $1 "," $3}'|sed -e 's/)//') | Rscript -e 'library("ggplot2")' -e 'lines<-read.csv(file="stdin", header=TRUE)' -e 'ggsave(qplot(line, score, data=lines, size = I(1), alpha = I(0.2), asp=0.5, main="'$(basename $i _djvu.txt)'"), file="'$(basename $i _djvu.txt)'.png",width=12)'

Applying this to each work with page-level hyperlinks on the points would probably be a pretty cool project on its own (especially plotting the confidence score not restricted to Latin with some sort of stable per-language color coding, vel sim.).


  1. What we have at this point is probably actually a variety of texts and classifications:

    1. Latin-classified “Latin” texts
    2. Latin-classified “non-Latin” texts
    3. Non-Latin-classified “Latin” texts
    4. Non-Latin-classified “non-Latin” texts

    Of particular interest to me here is the problem of identifying “bad OCR” or “bad classification” texts within these for further processing and classification, which may also give us a criterion for detecting texts in the second category. But that’s a problem for another day… 

  2. The <( ) syntax seen here is a useful technique known as process substitution

  3. It was around this point I decided I would be well-served by writing a Makefile and rules for repeatably/generically applying this processing. I’ve published the results of this on a separate classification branch on my fork of latin-texts